Saturday, May 24, 2014

Week 2~

The second week of my Year 2 Degree course has just flew by, it's only a few blinks away before I'll be stressed up by assignments and tests :(

Life in UC has been great besides getting to make and mingle with new friends... The subjects seem to be bearable~

Hopefully I've made a right choice to stay and further my studies here along with my friends★

Entering my 20s' soon T.T
In about slightly less than 2 months, I'll be beginning a new phase(?) in life where I have to actually be more matured and wiser? XP

Whatever it is, age is just a number :P

P/s: I just love the 'feel/vibe' this picture radiates... ♥♥♥
Maybe this is what the tutor was saying yesterday about being having a higher self-esteem or is it self-confidence?

Monday, May 5, 2014

[D-7] Back to College

Thought of being in a different environment, however, things does not seem to be going in that direction...

Is it because I am not making any efforts?

Anyways, I am still going to try it out! Maybe with some help from professionals~
However, in the meantime, I will have to go back to my UC to continue on with my studies while applying for other courses at other places as I would not want to take such a huge risk :(

Results out in 2 days time T.T
Hopefully there will not be any surprising incident :'(

P/s (note to self):
If you cannot have things your way, make yourself flexible, accept your surroundings and adapt! Nothing is impossible!!!