Saturday, August 29, 2015

It's over!!!

In a way, I'm glad that it's over...
But, in another way, I'm worried of the results >.<

Super disappointed with myself...
Only two semesters left and yet I'm just fooling around instead of getting myself properly prepared for the finals...
Too late to save this semester's results :(

Hopefully I'll be able to just pass all 5 papers... Better grades will be a bonus, but for now, a pass will do 🙏🏼 *prays*

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

And it goes on~

Tomorrow marks a new start for "triple bombs" :(

Three days in a row with three different subjects and papers back-to-back~

2 killing main papers with one innocent elective paper in between ㅠ.ㅠ

Can't wait for Sunday~
"Everything will be fine on Sunday"

#Chrome #Filter #Iwanttocutmyhair #WhyamIhashtagging?

Saturday, August 22, 2015

2 papers down :D

In the midst of finals~

This is me, being random xP
but what's said below, are my real thoughts for the post :)

What if…

… I think I like you, but…

…you don't know who I am… :(

What should I do?
I'm too shy to approach and, I'm graduating soon, so are you...
<Hopefully I'm able to graduate on time *prays*>

Anyways, I'll just forget about it. Cause I believe in faith. If it's meant to be, it'll be❤️

Thursday, August 20, 2015

[!!!] BEFORE

Finals beginning tomorrow~

Can't believe I'm almost graduating >.<

Well, this is my "game" face before tomorrow's battle...

P/s: Sorry for being ugly, but this is just me being me~ :)